The idea of selling things on Craigslist seems to be one that has been around for years. It was originally called “Freecycle” and was started in San Francisco, California by two people who had just moved there. The concept of Freecycle is very simple: people post items that they are willing to give away free, and other people then take those items and either use them or sell them at a profit.
In many cases, the person who posts the item will have a few extra things that they don’t need anymore. So, if you’re thinking about selling some things that you don’t need anymore, Craigslist is a great place to do it. There are many reasons why this is a good way to make money on Craigslist:

- You can get rid of items that you no longer want, but that you still have space for.
- You can sell things that you no longer want, or need, but that you might want to use again.
- You can buy things from people who are giving them away, for less than retail price.
- You can make some quick cash, while doing something good for your community.
- You can get rid of stuff that you no longer need, and then turn around and donate it to charity.
If you decide to sell items on Craigslist, you should first look through your house to see what you have that you don’t need anymore. If you don’t have anything that you don’t need anymore that you can sell on Craigslist, you may want to consider going to a garage sale or a yard sale to sell the things that you do have. Garage sales are a great way to make money, because you can usually get more money for your items when you sell them at a garage sale than you would if you tried to sell them on Craigslist. This is because people are more likely to buy at a garage sale than they are to buy on Craigslist.
So, if you want to sell things on Craigslist, or if you want to go to a garage sale to sell things, here are some tips to help you get the most money for your items.
* First, decide how much you want to get for each item. This will determine how much you should list your items for.
* Decide whether you want to list your items for free or for a fee. If you want to list your items free, you will probably have to pay for shipping. If you want to list items for a fee, you will probably have to charge more money for your items.
* List your items on Craigslist. Make sure that you list your items on Craigslist in the right category. The categories are: Electronics, Furniture & Appliances, Books & Magazines, Antiques, Collectibles, Clothing, Pets & Animals, Household Items, Music, Movies & Books, Sports Equipment, Tools & Crafts, Toys & Games, Vacation Rentals, and Yard Sales.
* Take pictures of your items and upload them to Craigslist. If you don’t have a digital camera, you can use your cell phone to take pictures of your items.
* Be sure to include all the details about your items that you can. For example, if you are listing a book, you should include the title, author, publisher, date, condition, size, and price. Also, if you are listing an antique, you should include the year, maker, type, and value.
* Keep your ads as short as possible. People like to read short ads, so keep your ads to under 300 words.
* Don’t forget to check back often. If you put your ad up and don’t hear anything back, you can always re-list it.
* Don’t expect to get everything sold the first day that you list your items. It takes time for people to find your items.
* If you are listing a large number of items, try to list them on separate days. If you list a large number of items on the same day, you will probably have to wait longer for people to respond to your ads.
* Don’t forget that you are not the only person selling on Craigslist. Make sure that your ads are clear and concise.
* If you are planning to sell items on Craigslist, remember that you are helping others by making money, too. If you can help someone out by getting rid of their old junk, you should.