Craigslist yard sales are a great way to make some money, and they’re also a great way to find great deals. I’m sure you’ve seen these ads all over the place: “Free yard sale!” “Yard Sale! No fee!” “Free yard sale!” You know what I’m talking about. These ads are everywhere, and people flock to them every day to get their hands on free stuff.
But, as great as these ads sound, they aren’t really worth much. Why? Because the person who is advertising the yard sale isn’t actually doing it for free. They’re getting paid by the people who go to the yard sale. If you look at the ad more closely, you’ll see that the ad says “No Fee.” What does that mean? Well, it means that the person who is advertising the sale is charging a fee to the people who go to the sale.
So, if you want to have a yard sale of your own, there are a few things you need to do in order to make it successful. First, you need to advertise your yard sale. This can be done by putting up posters around town, or by placing ads in the newspaper. Once you have done this, you need to set a date and time for your yard sale. You should try to make this date as close to the weekend as possible. This is because most people will go out on the weekends anyway, so they won’t mind spending an extra hour or two at your yard sale.
Now, once you’ve advertised and set the date, you need to start bringing in customers. There are several ways you can do this, but the best way is to put up flyers. You can get these from places like Kinkos or Wal-Mart, or you can print them out yourself. You can even get them made up for you. All you need to do is write down all the details of your yard sale, such as when it’s going to be held, what the items will be, and how much they’re going for. You can then stick these flyers in your local newspaper, on your neighbors’ doors, or anywhere else that you think would be good. The key here is to advertise your yard sale as much as possible, because you don’t want people to find out about it only a week before the event.