Craigslist Sacramento | What would you do if Your Face was on Page 1 of Google? Millions of people every day are using craigslist. The numbers are staggering there’s no way that you can’t get leads and sales from Craigslist Sacramento.

But I want to be the devil’s advocate and I want to show you something other than Craigslist Sacramento that makes it so you become the authority in your niche for whatever you’re selling in your city, town or state. There is a simple step you can make today to dominate in your area!!

Instead of Craigslist Sacramento being the only thing in your marketing bag what if you start getting your face on the first page of Google or would that actually do to show your Authority as being the leader in your market. Let’s say you take (iPhone repair service in Chicago Illinois) for example? What if I can guarantee that you can get your YouTube video on the first page of Google for high traffic keywords like this? What would it be worth to the guy that owns the iPhone repair service in Chicago to actually have his face show was on the first, second, third or fourth spot on Google for such a high-traffic keyword?

Craigslist Sacramento: It’s all about authority the one that shows up on the first page of Google is the one that gets the most leads intern getting the most sales because they look like the authority in the field. What if you have a gym in a city or town and you were able to have people click on your thumbnail YouTube video and watch a presentation about your gym before they even showed up at the gym? Would your closing rates go through the roof? The truth is you can do all this with YouTube but you can’t do it with craigslist. Craigslist Sacramento is the classified section of the Internet almost like the old-school newspapers. You remember the newspapers and how we had to go in and look for yard sales or dogs or cars back in the 80s and 90s we all had to use a newspaper but now we look things up on Craigslist Sacramento.

But no hard-core marketer that’s serious about getting massive traffic is only using craigslist to get their leads and sales. When it comes to You Incorporated, what are you doing to actually stand out in the crowd? What are you doing to get yourself on the first page of Google for the high-traffic keywords? I’m talking about keywords that people are actually searching for so you can give them the answers to all their questions? What would it be worth to you to get an extra 10 to 20 calls a day from people that have already seen your YouTube video online and already know that they want what you have to offer?

Craigslist Sacramento: To be the best in the world in your little sector of the world is all that matters Click this link right here throughout the form and let me show you the way to get your face on the first page of Google!!