If you do not have decoys or if your are looking to add more decoys to your spread there are a few places where you can find cheap duck decoys for sale and cheap goose decoys for sale. With a little research you can find perfectly good decoys at a fraction of the cost of new decoys.
For example, when I started my decoy spread I found 4 full body goose decoys and 12 shell goose decoys for $80 total on Craigslist. The shell decoys new would have cost about $15 a piece and the full bodies would have been around $40 each for a total of $340. I saved $260 by going used. Sure the shell decoys needed fresh paint but for $20 worth of supplies I brought them back to new.
Craigslist– The number one way to get cheap or used decoys is Craigslist. Just search for “goose decoys” or “duck decoys” and you will be sure to find many choices in your area. Keep checking back on the site often as new postings are always coming available and the good deals usually sell fast. I put together a guide for you with the exact message to copy and paste to send to craigslist sellers. Click Here to Download the “How to Negotiate Decoy Price on Craigslist” guide.– This website pulls together online coupons from nearly every store you can imagine. Simply type in the name of any national sporting goods store such as Cabela’s and there will be some coupons available. Here you might find 10-15% off on decoys or even free shipping. Check often as there are always new
Facebook-Coming in at a close second for cheap decoys are Facebook group pages. One of the pages that I recently came across is called “decoys for sale or trade”. The users of the site make a post that includes what they are selling, price, location and if they are willing to ship. Then buyers can post a comment to make a purchase. A benefit of this is when new offers become available they automatically appear in your Facebook news feed.
Blogs-There are many hunting blogs out there and many offer a free classifieds section. Search through the postings for used decoys for sale or cheap decoys and you can have some good luck. To find blogs in your state just do a Google search for “Hunting blogs in XYZ state” and you will find several.
eBay– Many decoys are manufactured overseas. With eBay you can often buy directly from these manufactures and get cheap decoys. You can also buy used duck and goose decoys from other sellers.
Garage/Yard sales– The springtime can present great options for yard/garage sales as people clean out their storage areas from the winter. Many times people are willing to sell their decoys for cheap because they are not using them anymore and want to have the extra storage space.
Hunting season start sales-As hunting seasons approach many hunting retailers offer sales to coincide with that hunting season. For example, when duck hunting season approaches you will often find duck decoys on sale at your favorite hunting store.
Holiday sales– Holidays such as Christmas and Black Friday are excellent times for decoy sales. Sometimes hunting stores have everything on sale so even if it is not the season for that type of waterfowl you might still find some great deals decoys.
“Open Box”/Clearance items– When retailers take returns on duck or goose decoys, often times they sell these decoys at a discount. Typically people return decoys because they preferred something else but the decoys are still in new shape. The benefit to you is that you get to buy decoys at 10-15% off retail price. Another benefit is the open box decoys still have the same return policy and warranty as new decoys.
Friends and Family– Perhaps you have an uncle who used to hunt ducks or geese but he no longer goes hunting. He may be willing to sell you his decoys cheap or let you borrow them. Borrowing decoys can be a great option to try out that particular style of decoy and see if you like it before going out and buying that type of decoy yourself.