Yard sales are an excellent way to make some extra money. Most people have a garage sale or two a year, but if you’re not careful you could be losing out on hundreds of dollars just because you didn’t know how to sell your stuff. If you want to make sure that you get the most for your money, here are some tips on how to sell your stuff on Craigslist.

1) Put a Price Tag on It – The first thing you need to do is price everything that you plan on selling. If you don’t know what something is worth, look it up online or ask someone who knows. When pricing things, remember that you don’t want to underprice them and you don’t want to overprice them either. Try to price things in between so that you can make more money.
2) Be Creative – One of the best ways to make more money at yard sales is to be creative. You can use different methods to attract customers to your sale, such as putting a sign on the lawn, hanging fliers in local stores, or even setting up a table at a nearby park.
3) Don’t Be Afraid To Offer Discounts – Another way to make more money at yard sale is to offer discounts. This is especially important if you’re trying to sell items that are hard to find. If you’re selling a book, for example, you can offer a discount to people who buy multiple copies.
4) Set Up A Table – You may want to set up a table near your house so that you can display all of your items at once. This will make it easier for people to see what you’re offering.

5) Give People Some Time – Yard sales are popular for a reason. People love them, so they’ll be happy to come by and check them out. Give them enough time to look through everything before you start making your final offers.
6) Make Sure Your Items Are Clean – Before you start your yard sale, you should take the time to clean everything up. Get rid of any clutter and make sure that your items are neat and tidy. You don’t want to have to spend time cleaning everything up after the sale.